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Our Information

Safe Workplace

Violence in our corporate workplaces is not permitted. This includes fighting, threats, or intimidation. Anyone found to have engaged in such conduct will be subject to appropriate discipline, up to and including discharge. We will assume that any threat by an employee to harm someone else is serious and intended.

Weapons of any type, whether carried by you or in your motor vehicle, are not permitted on our property or in our workplaces at any time. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we reserve the right to inspect any item or motor vehicle that is located on our property. We will enforce this ban on weapons to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

Immediately report any act of violence that you observe on our property or in our workplaces or any threat to commit harm that you hear while at work. The report should be made to your Manager and/or Human Resources.

If you are a Manager and a report is made to you by an employee you are responsible for reporting it to Human Resources.

Protection and Proper Use of Company Assets

You must protect our assets. Assets include facilities, equipment, computers and information systems, telephones, employee time, confidential and proprietary information, corporate opportunities and company funds. All assets should be used for legitimate purposes, efficiently, and for company business only. Suspected incidents of fraud, theft, negligence, and waste should be reported to Compliance.

Information Technology

You must help us safeguard all computer equipment and data against intentional malicious acts by individuals inside or outside the company. Cyber-security training is provided to all employees to ensure compliance with computer security policies.

The company safeguards against inappropriate access by individuals or groups untrained in correct company policies or procedures. We do not permit the use of unlicensed software. We do not permit the use of software that generates but does not retain business records or communications.

Review our Information Security Policy which discusses our expectations in more detail.

Computer/E-Mail/Internet Use

Our computer systems, including but not limited to e-mail, Teams, Zoom, and internet, are used to expedite information and necessary business correspondence between individuals. These systems should not be used for personal correspondence or personal business. They may not be used for transmitting or receiving any communications of a defamatory, discriminatory or harassing nature or materials that are obscene. No messages with derogatory or inflammatory remarks about an individual’s race, color, age, religion or creed, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, marital status, gender (including gender nonconformity and status as a transgender or transsexual individual), age, citizenship, national origin or ancestry, ethnicity, past or present intellectual, mental or physical disability, genetic information, past, current or prospective service in the uniformed services, or other physical attributes shall be transmitted. Harassment of any kind is prohibited.

You should not assume that any message you send will be confidential. All messages composed, sent or received on the electronic mail system are, and remain, property of the Company. E-mail and Team conversations and attachments are not the private property of the employee. They are considered Company property for which the Company’s management or security teams reserve the right to access at any time without the employee’s permission to the extent permitted by applicable law.


We require all employees to sign a confidentiality agreement that protects our confidential and proprietary information as well as any third party’s information that we have agreed to keep confidential. Proprietary information includes all non-public information that might be harmful to us and our guests and business partners if disclosed. You must maintain the confidentiality of all our confidential and proprietary information as well as any third party’s information that we have agreed to keep confidential. You may only provide our confidential information to third parties that have signed a confidentiality agreement with us.

All confidential business information is considered a trade secret.

Record Keeping

All documents, databases, voice messages, mobile device messages, computer documents, files and photos are records.

You are required to:

  • maintain these records and protect their integrity for as long as required under our Data Retention Policy
  • maintain official record keeping systems to retain and file records required for business, legal, financial, research or archival purposes
  • dispose of your records according to the company’s records retention and disposition schedule

Never destroy documents in response to, or in anticipation of, an investigation or audit. Review our Internal Investigations Policy

Can't Find What You Need?

Reach out to our Compliance team if you have any questions.

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